Community Connect - Breaking down Barriers - A workshop for Non-profit Organisations

  • 11 Jul 2024 (9:30 am) to 10 Oct 2024 (12:30 pm)
  • Restore's Mozaic Room, Habitat for Humanity, Tahunanui, Nelson, 7010, New Zealand


Are you a non-profit organisation that could do with extra support with business essentials so you can support your community better?

Then here is a new 4-MONTH PROGRAMME for you starting in July - updated!


Expression of Interest is now open till the 15th of May. Please register below and we will contact you to follow up. Thank you!

This is a free-of-charge training, tailored specifically for non-profit organisations that work with people & communities that face barriers such as mental or physical health, language, culture, geography, financial, isolation, addiction, disability, gender or age.

Four x 3h tailor-made business-focused training workshops + 1 Wrap Up session

Each workshop presented by leading-edge industry experts, covering topics such as:

• Innovative and leading edge tools to increase your chances when pitching for funding or sponsorship

• Proven methods and tips to create greater visibility across the region and why this it is important when it comes to seeking funding

• Creating a straightforward and robust Strategic Plan for your organisation

• Understanding accounting and finances with methods and systems tailored for not-for-profit organisations


PLUS … Opportunities to network and grow connections with others from within the not-for-profit… and knowing you’re not alone!

Dates & topics:

Thursday, 11 July 2024, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm | Pitching for funding or sponsorship

Thursday, 8 August 2024, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm | Strategic planning

Thursday, 5 September 2024, 9.30 - 12.30 pm | Understanding accounting & financing & systems

Thursday, 10 October 2024, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm | Creating greater visibility for your organisation

Review / Q&A, wrap up & networking


More details will be confirmed closer to the date and upon your registration. To express your interest in participating, please register below and we will contact you with more information to finalise your registration.

It will be a series of 4 workshops and a final meeting, so all together 5 occasions to commit to. Sessions will be held always on a Thursday morning. 


What previous participants shared:

“I’d definitely recommend others to join the Community Connect programme, it’s a very supportive and safe space to learn and grow.”

“I would absolutely recommend others to join the programme. It has certainly been a great help to our group. We really appreciate the support and connectedness – such a great initiative.” 

This programme is proudly offered by Business Assist and supported by the Rātā Foundation.



Ticket typePriceQuantity

Community Connect - "Breaking down Barriers"


Available until 15 May 2024


